A better way to bitcoin


    Your portfolio at your fingertips
    Get verified, get funded, and track your assets across all of your screens. Whether this is your first or five millionth investment, weve got tools built just for you.
    portfolioNew investors
    We make it easy to learn about and buy your first crypto assets.
    portfolioPro traders
    Youll get all of the tools you need for more frequent and complex trades.
    Get started
    Buy crypto in minutes
    Sign up
    Create your free account with a quick verification process. Its easy, we promise.
    Dip a toe or go all in. Connect a bank account securely — well never retain your bank info.
    If youre ready to buy, we make it easy. Just hit the button. Your future self will thank you.
    Put your money to work
    From Stacks to Polkadot, get even more from the assets you hold with our staking and DeFi offers.
    Start earning
    Take the market to go
    Our mobile app makes it easy to buy crypto and see whats happening with your portfolio while youre out and about.
    HODL with confidence
    We keep your deposits safe through offline storage, 24/7 transaction monitoring, and multi-factor encryption.
    Downtime is so 2020. With no transaction downtime, know your buy is always good as gold.
    Ramp up your research
    With any investment, its important to understand what youre buying. Browse these resources, and check back for more ways to broaden your knowledge about crypto.
    Crypto as part of your portfolio, explained
    Explore frameworks for how to fit crypto into your portfolio.
    How dollar-cost averaging works
    Learn why you might want to buy small amounts of an asset over time.
    Why it pays to Earn with your assets
    Get an overview of our staking and DeFi offers and how they work.
    Fund your account
    Learn. Buy.
    Build your crypto portfolio, wherever you are with our web and mobile apps.
    Trade now
    All forms of investments carry risk, including the risk of losing all of the invested amount. Such activities may not be suitable for everyone.
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